Why waterless body care?

All Natural Waterless Body Care

1630 is dedicated to making our products with all-natural ingredients. Much like a sponge, your skin absorbs what you put on it, and much of it absorbs right into your blood stream. Our products are pure, natural and healthy, free of preservatives, colors, parabens, or any other synthetic ingredients.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How I Found My Passion Pt. 2

So yeah, the whole home made sugar scrubs thing never panned out.  But oddly enough that didn't bother me.  I will usually will  keep trying and trying until I get it.  And eventually I will get it but for now, I have a different calling.

One of my other favorite products to review was body butter!  Oh how silky and luxurious body butter is!  And the bulb went off.  I can make this stuff!  Off I went to study and learn how to make body butter.

So yeah I bombed the first time.  I tried to substitute an ingredient I didn't have with another and nope it did not work.  But I was determined to get this body butter thing down. I had a lot to learn.  However, I knew in my heart, I wanted to turn this craft into a business from home.  So I gave myself a year to study and learn all that I could. When I finally launched my products, I wanted them to be of the highest quality and my packaging to be professional.

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