Why waterless body care?

All Natural Waterless Body Care

1630 is dedicated to making our products with all-natural ingredients. Much like a sponge, your skin absorbs what you put on it, and much of it absorbs right into your blood stream. Our products are pure, natural and healthy, free of preservatives, colors, parabens, or any other synthetic ingredients.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How I Found My Passion Pt. 1

I've been blogging for some time now and I've done lots of reviews and giveaways.  Some of my favorite products to receive were always the bath and body products.  One day, something said, "I bet you could MAKE this stuff!"  I had the hubby go out and buy ingredients for my first home made sugar scrub.

It turned out terrible!  But I was determined.  I kept making them and some of them turned out half decent.  I had a friend who sold bath and body products on Etsy and her sugar scrubs were amazing!

Naturally I couldn't ask for her recipe so, I tried to recreate what she sent me.  Yeah, I never mastered the sugar scrubs.  But I did master something else!  Stay tuned to find out what.  :)

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